Hope you have had a good week and Happy Mother's Day to all those Mums out there. Being back at work with earlier mornings, less time, and a big change generally to my routine, got me thinking.
Am I starting new habits as well as I could be? Am I following the mantra nourish to flourish? It's a question we should all ask ourselves, hopefully, more than just occasionally.
When life picks up pace, it's easy to become wrapped up in the the pressures placed upon us. The main reason for most of my negative habits is usually lack of time. I'm sure I'm not alone in this scenario.
On the yoga mat, time is the one thing you are gifting to yourself. That's why it has such a positive effect mentally. You can leave everything behind and arrive fully present. No pressures, no adrenaline, just time to move and breathe with intention.
I start each morning with my practice, it is simply the best way for me to begin my day. This truly sets me up for whatever the day will bring. If you practice yoga regularly, hopefully you're feeling the benefits it provides in enhancing many aspects of your life.
The change in my routine reminded me to be proactive and vigilant in other areas of my wellbeing. I thought I'd check in with myself. What are the actions and thoughts that nourish me, and help me to flourish? Could I be kinder to myself?
Taking time to reflect is in itself a form of selfcare. By doing this you will discover what you need for your mind, body and soul. Here are some of the areas I am going to be more mindful of at the moment to nourish:
So, so, so important! Sadly, sleep and I don't always fall into an easy rhythm. I am always on a mission for more of it's magical powers.
I've tried everything from routines, music, sleep apps, reading to essential oils. I try not to force it, or stress about it and recently it seems to have improved.
Yoga Nidra is something I have tried and it works every time. If sleep is truly elusive, I find this deeply relaxing, guided meditation beautifully prepares me for dreamland.
If you've never tried Yoga Nidra it might be something you'd like to research and try. This meditation, known as yogic sleep is also highly effective at relieving stress and connecting you to your emotions.
We all know the importance of staying hydrated. I aim for between two to three litres of water daily. I monitor the amount throughout the day. It really is worth the valiant effort, as I find my energy levels rapidly plummet and my skin becomes visibly dry with a side order of moodiness!
It seems more noticeable as I've got older. I feel good drinking two litres, but even better if I manage three. It's like rocket fuel!
I try to keep coffee to two cups a day. I do find comfort in a cup of coffee, it's one of life's pleasures for me! During working days this can escalate, so I keep vanilla and peppermint tea with me as an alternative.
Self care
We need meaningful time to relax and care for ourselves holistically. Caring for our body, mind and soul.
Take time out to nourish your body, moisturise and care for your skin, hair and nails. Enjoy a soak in the bath, a manicure or a pedicure, your rituals can be something simple, it doesn't have to be elaborate. It's about you caring for your body, appreciating all that it does for you every day.
I see my body as my vessel, it takes me everywhere I want to go, and enables me to feel and experience this amazing universe I am part of.
I take care of it, as it takes care of me. I love to move my body through yoga because I can. It's a privilege to see my body change and progress through my practice.
Taking my body and it's abilities for granted, would hurt it, just as when we are taken for granted we are hurt. Cherishing it and giving it every chance to stay healthy and strong is my selfcare.
So this weekend, I repeat the mantra 'nourish to flourish'. I will endeavour to do this inside and out. Heart and soul.
Be your own best friend
Remember to be mindful how you talk to yourself, move yourself and fuel yourself. This will effect the very essence of how you feel.
So be gentle and encouraging, be forgiving and loving with yourself.
Bloom beautifully, dangerously, loudly. Bloom softly, however you need. Just bloom - Rupi Kaur
Be kind and go with the flow
Jo x