Yoga is the study of balance, and balance is the aim of all living creatures: it is our home – Rolf Gates
The very word ‘balance’ to many of us evokes a sense of challenge ahead. It is such a precious equilibrium that many of us are striving for in our lives. It is a tricky customer, one that some on the surface, make look effortless, they seem to have everything worked out.
In reality, finding balance in your life to stay in optimum health and happiness to enable you to support others around you is, a never ending, frankly wobbly challenge!
Establishing balance in life or on the yoga mat, takes everything you’ve got. Skills that require you to constantly change to a situation, mentally and physically.
Complex and beautiful, these powerful attributes within each of us surface, working hard to keep us where we should be. Using inner strength, resilience and intuition, a positive mindset and ability to prioritise what you need for yourself and others.
During my yoga practice even hearing the word balance brings feelings of apprehension, for some it may bring feelings of fear, especially in inversions.
I have found through my practice that physical balance takes focus, strength, alignment, breathing and finding that mind, muscle connection.
Being aware of what muscles should be working and engaging, and then constantly adjusting throughout your whole body, from the tips of your fingers to your toes.
Letting go of expectations, trusting myself to stand firm and focus, to find my drishti and ground down feeling stability. I always try to come from a place of positivity and kindness for what my body can do and not a negative one of frustration and comparison to others.
To find the sweet spot. It feels so good when you do! For me personally, it feels so beautifully controlled and peaceful, and it releases a fanfare of jubilant triumph within me.
These are feelings that last merely seconds, but feelings that are so wonderful, I can’t wait to feel them again. Especially after all the wobbles and falling down.
It’s a prize that is worth all the effort and time, after the failures and getting up again and again. A feeling that you cannot buy, it has to be worked for, earned. That makes it more covetable and special.
I have immense admiration for those who demonstrate strong, beautiful balance such as in handstands or single leg asanas such as dancer. Anything that makes you think “WOW” has taken a huge amount of dedication and time.
We need to introduce a little balance into your life. Part of this balance means not missing out on some of the marvels of life around you, the fun, some excitement, or other challenges in life – Catherine Pulsifer
There is so much you can learn about yourself on the yoga mat that you can then apply off the mat.
Be kind and go with the flow.
Jo x